Ahmed's Play Ground

Ahmed is our youngest UAE TEAM member! He loves to play in the sand. Unlike other children he doesn't build castles in the sand. Instead, he draws donuts in the sand! His uncle Amer is his idol. He is also the one who watches him play in the biggest sand box ever! Despite the sand and the smoke, Amer enjoys his time with his little nephew.


"Boy! This beats Nintindo Donkey Kong Racing! Now I know why they say: Get out and play!"


"Catch me if you can!"


When he's not catching wind in his Suzuki 50cc, Ahmed does some real work! He modifies cars and trucks for a living. He does a pretty good job at it too! "I think you need to replace your intake filter Amer! That should give you 25 more Horse power unc'!"


So many cars,....So little time!


"This stuff isn't child's play"!


"Uncle!....Just because you have flames in front of your car, that doesn't mean that you have to burn the tires!"



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